Baskets Full of Baby Kangaroos at a Rescue Center Are Full of Pure Sweetness

Shutterstock/Richard Brian Hart

If you need something that will make you smile, how about baskets full of baby kangaroos! Located in Alice Springs in Central Australia, The Kangaroo Sanctuary is home to rescued and injured baby kangaroos that cannot be rehomed back into the wild. They shared a video on Tuesday, February 27th of some of their baby joeys, and it's beyond adorable!

The video starts with a zookeeper explaining that the joeys are in baskets together in their 'classroom' while they enclosure is being mopped out. The joeys are all snuggled up together in blankets and look super comfy! I counted at least twelve of many do you see?

I have watched this at least three times - they're all just adorable! I can't believe how calm they all are and so content to be snuggled together in the baskets - the one that has four of them is sooooo sweet! The Kangaroo Sanctuary fans left more than 1,300 comments about the adorable scene. @mimijo74 pointed out, "Kangaroo slumber party!!!" and @MisipiQueen added, "They look like they are ready for popcorn and a movie." @nonopudgo said what I was thinking, "Well I’m quitting my job, moving to Australia, working at a kangaroo sanctuary; it’s done!" @Snippykins wanted to know, "Um sir, where is the application to apply for a babysitter position?" and I'd like to fill one out, too!

Related: San Antonio Zoo Shares Video of Precious Baby Kangaroo Popping Out to Say Hello

Fun Facts About Baby Kangaroos

While it's sad to think that all of these baby kangaroos how lost their mamas, they are clearly all happy living at the sanctuary. I thought it would be fun to share some interesting facts about these adorable joeys...that's the official name for baby kangaroos!

A-Z Animals had some cool ones, like at birth a joey is only about the size of a lima bean, and will live in mom's pouch without leaving it for the first few months of its life. Believe it or not, these tiny creatures are born potty trained, "Baby kangaroos can’t go to the bathroom unless their mom licks them to give them the sensation to go. Although this sounds less than appealing, the babies only produce at most a drop or two of waste at a time on account of how tiny they are." Baby will continue to live in their full-time for up to a year, venturing out occasionally or popping its little head out to see what's going on.

As they grow, they learn to use their tails as a fifth limb. They use it to balance when they fight (known as boxing) with other kangaroos, as a weapon to defend themselves, when they jump, and when they need extra support. They've even been seen using it as an extra leg when just walking!

Who knew that kangaroos were so cool?! I love learning random animal facts and sharing them with others. I hope you picked up a new one or two reading this.

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