Baseless election fraud suits could cost Sidney Powell’s team $200K+ in Michigan

She’d better get kraken.

Lawyer Sidney Powell and her team of attorneys that unsuccessfully challenged the results of the 2020 election in Michigan could be forced to round up more than $200,000 in legal costs, according to the Detroit Times. The state of Michigan and the city of Detroit submitted filings Wednesday indicating Powell’s antics cost them $204,156 in legal fees, the Detroit News reported.

Though Trump lost in Michigan by more than 150,000 votes, Powell’s nine person legal team filed “frivolous” suits arguing otherwise in November 2020. Late last month, District Court Judge Linda Parker recommended sanctioning those responsible for the flimsy legal challenge.

Those proposed sanctions, which would also apply to high-profile Georgia attorney Lin Wood, are reportedly intended to “deter the filing of future frivolous lawsuits designed primarily to spread the narrative that our election processes are rigged and our democratic institutions cannot be trusted.”

Parker gave the state two weeks to submit a claim itemizing its legal costs. Powell’s team now has two weeks to challenge that tally. The Detroit News says Parker also ordered Powell’s squad, which brought forth their claims on the behalf of six MAGA Michiganders, to undergo 12 hours of continuing legal education pertaining to pleading standards and election law.

Sidney Powell says she would do nothing differently.
Sidney Powell says she would do nothing differently.

Sidney Powell says she would do nothing differently. (Drew Angerer/)

The judge said that Powell’s team’s arguments lacked evidence and legal standing. Powell argued in July that she would do it all over again and said she still wants her day in court.

“We would file the same complaints again,” she said. “We welcome an opportunity to actually prove our case.”

Powell, who has stood by Rudy Giuliani’s side at events to overturn the 2020 election, made headlines in November by stating she would “Release the Kraken” by presenting information that showed Donald Trump was cheated in the election.

“The Kraken” is a fictional sea monster in Scandinavian folklore that terrorizes seamen. The term “Release the Kraken” was made famous by the 1981 fantasy film “Clash of the Titans.” It has since become a meme for modern-day conspiracy fanatics.
