Bald eagle is on the hunt, but great blue heron sounds the alarm, Missouri video shows

Screengrab of video shared by Missouri Department of Conservation

A large, magnificent bird with a loud mouth kept getting in the way of a bald eagle on the hunt at a Missouri pond.

The moment was captured by Kim Larson in a 54-second video shared by the Missouri Department of Conservation on Nov. 2.

In the video, a bald eagle is seen soaring over the water as its reflection is mirrored alongside the trees of fall. The predator occasionally swoops down toward a much smaller bird — an American coot — that was wading in the pond.

As the eagle dives, a great blue heron is standing guard.

“While eagles have been known to occasionally prey on herons, this heron remains steadfast as the eagle attempts to grab the smaller coot,” officials said.

But with each swoop toward the water, the heron sounds the alarm, state wildlife officials said. The ducklike bird hears the warning calls and continues to splash underwater, evading the eagle.

The bald eagle eventually perches on the top branches of a nearby tree, towering above the heron and coot.

“Can’t help wondering why the eagle didn’t just grab the heron,” one person commented on Facebook. “It was a much easier target.”

Wildlife officials explained that this heron was “a bit big for the eagle.”

Bald eagles typically prey on fish and carrion, but they will also eat reptiles, amphibians and other birds, according to the Missouri Department of Conservation. Great blue herons are also considered “top predators” as not many animals will hunt an adult heron.

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