How to Balance Hormones Naturally

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Photo credit: swissmediavision - Getty Images

You might not give too much thought to your hormones on a day-to-day basis, but they play an important role in your overall health and well-being, impacting numerous body processes, including your metabolism, mood, sleep and wake cycle, growth and development, sexual functioning, and more.

Our bodies are made up of more than 50 different hormones that are created and released by the endocrine system, a body-wide network of glands in charge of regulating your hormones, which serve as the chemical coordinators throughout the body. Think of hormones as chemical messengers responsible for sending signals to different parts of your body through the bloodstream—they travel via your organs, skin, muscles, and other tissues to help control and regulate your body's functioning. Since your hormones are in control of so much, any sort of hormonal imbalance—either temporary, such as periods of high stress, or chronic, such as caused by an autoimmune condition—can throw things seriously out of whack and have you feeling "off" or not at your best.

As with any medical concerns, checking in with your doctor is your best bet, as they can provide a thorough examination (including bloodwork) to determine if your hormones are to blame. Once your doctor has ruled out any underlying health conditions that could be contributing, there are plenty of easy lifestyle changes you can adopt that will help balance your hormones naturally and set you on the path to feeling like the best version of you.

Keep reading to hear some advice from a trio of endocrinologists who told Oprah Daily about the solid habits that will help keep your hormones in check.

Eat a balanced diet.

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Photo credit: d3sign - Getty Images

There's no shortage of fad diets out there that make all sorts of lofty claims, but when it comes to protecting your health in the short and long term, prioritizing nutrient-dense foods is key to keeping your body nourished and supporting your body's ability to regulate its processes, says Yasmin Akhunji, a board-certified endocrinologist with Paloma Health. She recommends eating enough protein and healthy fats with each meal and limiting sugar whenever possible.

Some solid protein sources include eggs, many types of fish, and chicken breast, while nutrient-rich fats include olives, nuts, and avocados.

Don’t skip meals or scarf down your food.

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Photo credit: 10'000 Hours - Getty Images

When you're constantly on the go, it's easy to realize it's been hours since you last ate, and suddenly "hanger" is setting in. You might then reach for whatever's quickest or easiest in the moment, which might not always the most satisfying, nutritious option, says Erika Lundgrin, endocrinologist and assistant professor at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.

"In the short term, skipping a meal may increase hunger such that we’re more likely to eat convenience foods very rapidly," she says. "Quickly consuming highly processed or refined foods can allow sugar to hit our bloodstream quicker than our body can keep up and process it—leading to a surge of insulin release that, when it does kick in, can cause a 'sugar crash' or even low blood sugar in some individuals."

Prioritize gut health.

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Photo credit: Yulia-Images - Getty Images

So much of your hormonal output is regulated in your gut, but many of us have no idea what it means to prioritize gut health. Per Anjali Dsouza, MD, medical director at The District Center for Integrative Medicine and Beeya Wellness ambassador: "When working with my patients, I always start with the gut, especially when it comes to unwinding imbalanced hormones. A healthy microbiome and proper elimination are fundamental, and directly related to what you feed your body daily. Cutting out a bunch of foods is not necessarily the right first step. Instead, consider incorporating more fiber-rich foods into your diet. Fiber from foods like nuts, seeds, and green veggies provides the fertilizer for your healthy gut bugs and encourages elimination with ease."

Nix the nighttime TV sessions and scrolling.

Photo credit: Sergey Mironov - Getty Images
Photo credit: Sergey Mironov - Getty Images

Think of how you feel after a night or two spent tossing and turning: groggy, irritable, unable to concentrate, foggy. Sound familiar? Your body needs enough quality sleep on a regular basis to help heal and repair itself after long days, so if you're spending too much time at night staring at your phone or marathon-watching Netflix (no judgment!), or simply battling nighttime anxiety, you're likely going to be feeling it during daytime hours.

Revital Gorodeski Baskin, clinical assistant professor at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, recommends creating a sleep routine that you can stick to, including limiting devices before bed, keeping your room cool and dark, and hitting the sheets around the same time every night. "Sleep hygiene can help prepare the body and mind to go to sleep earlier and hopefully initiate sleep more easily."

Get regular exercise.

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Photo credit: The Good Brigade - Getty Images

Finding time to move each day can be tough, but it's so worth it for your overall well-being—and it doesn't mean you have to spend hours in the gym each day or push yourself through punishing workouts you hate.

Multiple hormones are impacted by regular movement, which means your body benefits from a consistent mix of cardio and strength training that impacts everything from your mood (you know that endorphin rush after a solid sweat session) to your ability to de-stress, a crucial component in your hormone regulation.

Spend time in nature.

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Photo credit: Maskot - Getty Images

A great way to get moving and enjoy some fresh air? Slip your shoes on and get outside, says Dsouza. "The benefits of spending time outdoors in nature are endless: decreased blood pressure, improved mood, and greater physical fitness, to name a few," she says. "When it comes to our hormones, time spent outdoors can significantly decrease stress hormones like cortisol. Elevated cortisol can drive weight gain, skin disorders, gut imbalances, PMS, autoimmunity, and debilitating perimenopause and menopause symptoms. The simple act of spending time in nature can help combat these conditions."

Prioritize stress reduction.

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Photo credit: COROIMAGE - Getty Images

Staying cool as a cucumber when life is throwing so much your way isn't easy for anyone, but making time for self-care that involves proven stress-busters (like exercise, meditation, and getting enough z's) will keep you in tip-top shape no matter what obstacles may come.

"Small bouts of stress can be motivational, but long-term, chronic stress can wreck your health," says Dsouza. "Chronic stress elevates cortisol, which in turn initiates further imbalances in your thyroid and sex hormone production. These imbalances can lead to weight gain, anxiety, insomnia, painful periods, heavy periods, and changes in cycle length. Stress management is therefore critical for hormone health—yoga, meditation, time in nature or with loved ones, dancing, prayer, and journaling are all great ways to unwind."

New to meditation? Akhunji notes that taking even just five or 10 minutes a day to try a guided practice will provide major mind/body benefits. "Research shows that daily meditation could assist in reducing stress (relating to cortisol hormones), depression, and anxiety. This inherently helps folks increase focus, learning, and memory tasks."

Limit your vices.

Photo credit: Klaus Vedfelt - Getty Images
Photo credit: Klaus Vedfelt - Getty Images

Life is too short to deprive yourself of simple pleasures, such as your morning coffee or a glass of wine with pals at happy hour. But being mindful about your vices is a good way to ensure you're not relying on them to get you through the day, which could have long-term implications on your health, says Dsouza.

"When we depend on coffee to keep us up in the morning and alcohol to help us wind down at night, we’re simply masking symptoms and inadvertently creating more havoc on our systems. The deleterious effects of alcohol impact women far more than men, inhibiting the removal of toxins and excess estrogens that turn around and worsen our hormonal health. Caffeine, when overused, can hamstring sleep. Good sleep is by far the most underrated 'nutrient' for balancing hormones. I recommend cutting off caffeine at 12:00 pm (if not all together!) and limiting alcohol to one to two drinks per week."

When in doubt, see your doctor.

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Photo credit: SDI Productions - Getty Images

Of course, you should always check in with your doctor whenever things aren't feeling right in your body, says Akhunji. "Sometimes it really is important to see your trusted physician. As an endocrinologist, I look into things like insulin resistance, PCOS, thyroid disease, and metabolic syndrome, which, yes, can be treated with a lot of dietary and exercise changes, but the short of it is, sometimes medicine is needed as well. Anytime you plan on making large changes to your health plan, it’s probably a good idea to run it past your doctor as well."

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