Baby Gorilla Celebrates 1st Birthday at Pittsburgh Zoo and Chaos Ensues

Shutterstock/GUDKOV ANDREY

Everybody looks forward to celebrating their birthday, and there's nothing that kids like more than celebrating by having a party! Pittsburgh Zoo got to celebrate their baby gorilla Bo's first birthday on Sunday, May 12th complete with a birthday banner, gifts, and a cake.

The video shows Bo and his family and friends celebrating his birthday and it looks like they all had fun. We see Bo riding on his mama's back, not sure what all the fuss is about. The older gorillas can't wait to dig into the cake; watch as the gorilla named Frankie claims it as his own!

This totally made me laugh! Frankie stealing the cake was the icing on the cake as they say...I'm not even sure if Bo got to taste any of his own birthday cake! Pittsburgh Zoo's caption makes it sound like they'd expect nothing less from Frankie - he must be a handful! There weren't a whole lot of comments left about the video, but everybody who left a comment wished Bo a happy birthday.

Related: Baby Gorilla at Prague Zoo Delights Guests as She Makes ‘Funny Faces'

Facts About Baby Gorillas

Baby gorillas are so adorable! They remind me so much of human babies, and many of them act like toddlers. This baby girl at the Prague Zoo delighted guests recently by making faces at them. Zoo Atlanta shared a cute video of their baby gorilla trying to imitate the older gorillas by chewing on a stick - but it was bigger than he is!

For the first six months of their lives, gorillas are attached to mom 24/7, usually by holding on to her stomach or back. Bo still hitches a ride and sticks close to his mom, though now that he's older he's started to explore more independently but his mom will remain close by. He'll stay with mom for the first four years of life, during which time the two spend time bonding and mom teaches him how to groom, find food, how to build a nest of his own, and introduces him to the other males in the troop (the name for a group of gorillas).

Lots of zoos have recently welcomed baby gorillas into their families, and that's good news since many of them are critically endangered. The Fort Worth Zoo in Texas recently welcomed a baby gorilla. It explained that the critically endangered species numbers continue to decline "due to illegal hunting, disease, habitat alteration and low reproductive rates." Zoos are committed to conservation of these endangered animals, and so having gorillas reproduce in captivity ensures that those numbers will continue to grow. I hope that the zoos continue to share videos of the babies as they grow! Watching baby animals - especially gorillas since they are so humanlike - always makes me smile.

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