This baby goat’s ears may be the longest in the world, owner says. How long are they?

Screengrab from Narejo Goat Farm's Facebook

Meet Simba, a social media star and adorable goat with incredibly long ears.

When Simba was born on June 4, his ears were 19 inches long, his breeder, Mohammad Hassan Narejo of Narejo Goat Farm in Karachi, Pakistan, told AFP.

Now, Simba’s ears have grown to 22 inches, Reuters reported — and they may keep growing.

Narejo believes Simba has the world’s longest ears for a goat, the Associated Press reported.

But don’t worry, Simba can still frolic around.

“I got a special velvet harness or pouch to keep his ears, so he can run and play with ease without entangling his ears,” Narejo told Reuters.

On the goat farm’s YouTube channel, videos often show Simba running, jumping and playing.

For a goat, Simba is quite pampered. He drinks milk three times a day and has a caretaker team watching over him at all times, Narejo told the AP and Reuters.

Guinness Book of World Records sent a team to measure Simba’s ears and determine if they qualify for a world record, the AP reported.

Currently, Simba’s world record category does not exist, AFP reported.

Narejo told AFP that he plans to breed Simba to spread his pedigree around the world.

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