Australian Border Police Find $100M in Drugs Smuggled Inside a Vintage Bentley

Photo credit: New South Wales Police Force
Photo credit: New South Wales Police Force

Over 400 pounds of drugs were found hidden inside a vintage Bentley arriving through a shipping port in Sydney, Australian police said Thursday.

The drugs, approximately 355 pounds of crystal meth and 66 pounds of cocaine, were spotted after the 1960 Bentley S2's shipping container was passed through the Australian Border Force's X-Ray machine. The New South Wales Police Force was then called in to partially dismantle the car, which is when the drugs were found.

Instead of seizing the car, officers decided to set up an investigation team, reassemble the car, and allow it to continue its journey to its original destination, according to the National Post. The Bentley eventually wound up at a home in a suburb of Sydney called Rooty Hill. From the Post:

Police photographs of the raid shows the distinctive lines of a metallic silver Bentley in the driveway of a home, under an open car port. The left headlight is partially removed and dangling, and the left front tire is off, with tools scattered around. It seems police waited for someone to start trying to retrieve the load before swooping in.

Two men, ages 22 and 23, were arrested at the scene. They were charged with a combined 13 offenses, including import of commercial drug supply and participating in a criminal group activity.

Photo credit: New South Wales Police Force
Photo credit: New South Wales Police Force

Police also arrested two more individuals, a man and a woman, both age 25, in connection with the incident, just north of the original scene. The car they were traveling in had a few more kilos of drugs and roughly $700,000 in cash, police said.

The drugs seized are estimated to have a combined street value of $97 million, according to police. All individuals involved in the incident are being held without bail.

Photo credit: New South Wales Police Force
Photo credit: New South Wales Police Force

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