Austin Baeth running unopposed for reelection in Sherman Hill's Iowa House District 36

Austin Baeth is running unopposed for reelection to represent Iowa House District 36.

Baeth, a Democrat who is serving his first term, is the only candidate on the ballot for the Des Moines-based district, which includes the Sherman Hill neighborhood and the area surrounding Gray's Lake.

To help voters, the Des Moines Register sent questions to all federal and Des Moines area legislative candidates running for political office this year. Their answers have been lightly edited for length and clarity.

The primary election is scheduled for June 4 ahead of the Nov. 5 general election.

More: Everything you need to know about the June 4 primary election, including voting absentee

Who is Austin Baeth (incumbent)?

Austin Baeth
Austin Baeth

Age: 39

Party: Democrat

Grew up: Des Moines

Current town of residence: Des Moines

Education: Doctor of Medicine, University of Iowa

Occupation: Physician

Political experience and civic activities: Incumbent, State Representative in Iowa House

What would be your top issue should you be elected?

We need to turn our focus to combating Iowa's cancer crisis. Iowa has the second-highest cancer rate in the country, and it's rising faster than in any other state. We don't yet know the main reasons for this, which is why we need to fund the research. While so far it's unknown whether environmental factors might be at play, it wouldn't hurt to clean up our water in the meantime.

What policies would you support to improve Iowa’s education system?

For over a dozen years, the Republican Legislature has failed to fund public education at a rate that keeps up with inflation, thereby slowly defunding our state's historical claim to fame. We need to fund it like we mean it. We need to restore funding and autonomy to the Area Education Agencies, and we need to repeal private school vouchers. We did make improvements to teacher pay this year, but the Legislature should show even more respect to the profession by letting teachers teach and keeping political culture wars out of our schools.

What do you think Iowa’s tax policy should be? Do you believe the state’s priority should be on lowering rates or spending on services for Iowans?

Iowa's corporations and wealthiest taxpayers should pay their fair share of taxes. This year's Republican-led Legislature and governor provided a massive tax cut for them instead. This will result in a loss of over $1 billion in revenue annually. Our state will have to cut services to compensate. This occurs at a time when far too many Iowans go without meals, housing, child care, and health care. It occurs at a time when we struggle to provide the public education we once enjoyed. Our bridges are the nation's worst, our cancer rate is the nation's fastest rising. We have work to do. It's Iowa's people who make this state so great, and we should start investing in them again.

What policies would you support to improve school safety in Iowa?

As it relates specifically to preventing school shootings, no singular gun safety measure has been proven to be most effective. We need an all-of-the-above approach. This includes extreme risk protection orders (red flag laws), universal background checks, child gun access prevention laws, and a ban on the sale of assault rifles and extended magazines. This will require more legislators to stand up to a powerful gun lobby that's financed by gun manufacturers and instead side with Iowa families. The gun lobby defends their arms race with cries of "freedom." Iowans deserve the freedom to send our kids to school without fearing the next tragedy.

What next steps do you believe the Iowa Legislature should take when it comes to abortion?

Reverse course. A large majority of Iowans believe that women should be able to make their own health care decisions, not the government. We should listen to them. Iowa Democrats have proposed letting Iowans decide this issue with a ballot measure to amend the Iowa Constitution to protect abortion rights. This was denied by Republican lawmakers. We need to respect everyone's beliefs when it comes to abortion. But because this comes down to one's personal beliefs, not proven universal facts, the government should stay the heck out of it. Those who love to fly the "freedom" flag should stay consistent.

Virginia Barreda is the Des Moines city government reporter for the Register. She can be reached at Follow her on Twitter at @vbarreda2.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Austin Baeth running to represent Iowa House District 36
