Your August Horoscope Is Here, And Mercury Is Joining Venus In Retrograde 😅

august 2023 horoscope
Your August 2023 Horoscope Is HereAya Kakeda

If you thought your August calendar was should check the universe's planner. The planets are on the move, with several going retrograde as we roar our way out of Leo season and ease into methodical Virgo season on the 23rd. This translates to an action-packed August for all zodiac signs.

The month starts off pretty fiery, with the sun in Leo, the new moon in Leo on the 16th, and Venus, the planet that rules over love and pleasure, retrograde in—you guessed it—Leo. That last astrological event is extra important because of how its interactions with other planets affect how you approach life. “Venus Retrograde in Leo tells us to be a Queen Goddess,” says Donna Page, an astrologer based in Atlanta with a graduate degree in counseling psychology. . “But at the same time, Mars in Virgo asks us ‘Are you overdoing it? Are you ignoring everything that needs to be done?’” Expect to feel a bit of push-pull energy, courtesy of these opposing planets.

As if that weren't enough to deal with, August has quite a few other astrological happenings of note, including not one, but two full moons! To kick off the month, there will be a full moon on the 1st in the quirky air sign Aquarius, followed by a full Blue Moon in emotional water sign Pisces on the 30th. And with Virgo season on the 23rd comes, regrettably, Mercury Retrograde in the same sign. You may experience issues in the conversation department and possibly with technology until the planet of communication goes direct in mid-September, according to Page.

Another important event, Page says, is the North Node moving into fiery Aries on the 17th. The North Node is like your path forward. For the last 18 months, everyone’s path was in Venus-ruled Taurus, a sign and planet associated with luxury and pleasure, but now, the universe is kicking it up a notch with Aries action for the next 18 months. Expect big changes, productivity, and, of course, some fire 🔥 fueling it all.

What does this mean for you? Ahead, Page shares her August 2023 horoscope predictions for each zodiac sign:


You are on the pursuit of happiness this month, Aries, so take time to notice where life is guiding you right now. The full moon in Aquarius has you craving community and deep chats with the people who just ~get~ you. Whatever your interest—be it archery, rollerblading, or Joan Didion—there are like-minded folks out there. Love and playfulness take center stage this Leo season, especially around the new moon in Leo on the 16th. Continue to lean into your playful side, and make plans with people who bring out the best in you!

When the sun enters Virgo on the 23rd, your focus shifts to work, but make sure you’re striking a healthy balance. Mercury retrograde urges you to slow down, analyze your routine, and avoid burnout. On the 30th, the full moon in Pisces creates an urge to retreat into yourself, which is perfectly fine. Spend a weekend—or even just a day—in your own company, doing your favorite self-care rituals. Break out your journal, tarot cards, vision boards, whatever healing tools you have at your disposal. This dedicated "me" time will help end your month with clarity and balance.

aries august 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


The full moon on the first has the spotlight focused on you, Taurus, so show them what you’ve got! This is your opportunity to shine and show off all the work you’ve been doing in your career and personal life to the people who matter to you. Embrace this recognition, and remember it for the next time you dare to doubt your power! The new moon in Leo in your house of home and family on the 16th, combined with Venus in retrograde, has you embracing your luxurious side mid-month. Buy that heated blanket you’ve been eyeing on Amazon, put on your comfiest clothes, and ease into the relaxation and restoration. This month’s second full moon in Pisces will have you coming back out of your shell again and enjoying the artistic vibe that comes from this creative water sign. Enjoy this time with your friends and family!

taurus august 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


The world is calling, Gemini...are you going to answer? This month starts with a powerful full moon in Aquarius, lighting up your house of travel and knowledge. Basically, this is the universe’s way of telling you to grab your passport. It's an exciting time for you to expand your horizons—perhaps by seeing that friend who moved to Europe (you've been meaning to visit them, after all!). The new moon in Leo on the 16th only enhances your adventurous spirit, making you more spontaneous and communicative than ever. You know what you want, and you’re not afraid to let those around you know it, too.

As August comes to a close, the full moon on the 30th may have you thinking about your career, and your place in the world. Before you spiral into the unknown, consider slowing down and asking yourself the hard questions: What do you want to be known for? Is your current career and life, in general, aligned with that goal? If not, the full moon energy—combined with action-oriented Mars in Virgo this month—will ensure you're ready to make big changes!

gemini august 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


Are you feeling fulfilled with your work, Cancer? The full moon in Aquarius has you questioning your career and whether or not your talents are being appreciated in the workplace. No one does it like you do, and you deserve a job where your coworkers understand what you have to offer. These feelings may intensify with the new moon in Leo on the 16th, which will highlight your finances. This could be the time to update your resume and start sending some LinkedIn requests...

On the 30th, the full moon in fellow water sign Pisces brings a rare opportunity for self-examination and release. Examine what has been holding you back and where you are hanging on to limiting beliefs that are stopping you from getting to where you’re meant to be. You have big dreams, Cancer, and it’s time to chase them!

cancer august 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


This will be music to your ears, Leo: It's your time to shine! With the universe right in the middle of Leo season, you are feeling all of the love from friends and family with endless birthday brunches and celebrations. But don't get too caught up in all the fanfare—take time to really connect with those around you. You will be better served by deep, meaningful connections rather than surface-level chats. Stay open to interesting new sides of your friends and family that may be revealed during this time as well—you never know what you don't know about someone (even when you think you know everything).

On the 16th, the new moon in your sign pours an extra dose of fun on top of your bday month, allowing you to shine brighter than ever. And remember: Venus, the planet that rules over love and pleasure, is also in Leo. Basically, it’s a great month to be you. The stars are literally aligned for you right now!

leo august 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


This month, like many months for you, is about self-improvement and working hard. But August may also bring some important connections into your life, Virgo, so remember to stay open, starting with the full moon in Aquarius on the 1st. You are like a sponge soaking up this full moon energy, open to all sorts of new ideas, rituals, and self-care practices. Consider learning a new skill or joining a new yoga studio, gym, or wellness center during this time. Being around other people working as hard as you toward their personal goals will only further inspire you to reach yours.

On the 23rd, the sun enters your sign, and Mercury, the planet of communication, also goes retrograde in your sign. Lucky for you, you’re one step ahead (as usual!) and have already been focused on your schedule and routines, so any funky Mercury energy may be thwarted. Use this time to set your plans into action—nothing can stop you, Virgo!

At the end of the month, the full moon in Pisces further highlights your desire for community and deep friendships with like-minded people. Put yourself out there–you never know who might enter your life and change it for the better...

virgo august 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


One of the main tenets of your sign, Libra, is balance. So it should come as no surprise that steadiness and work-life balance are at the center of your world this August, starting with the full moon in Aquarius on the 1st. While your to-do list or Google Calendar may be calling your name, make sure to schedule some fun this month, too. Say "yes!" when your friend invites you to a random party, bar, or gallery opening. This is a beautiful time for you to meet people and enjoy your life after all the hard work you’ve put in over the last few months. BTW, your social butterfly energy is heightened further with the new moon in Leo on the 16th, highlighting your social life.

If the beginning of the month is all about living it up, the end of the month is focused on relaxation, restoration, and introspection. As the sun moves into Virgo, and Mercury goes retrograde in the same sign, you’re feeling pensive and, TBH, a little moody. Take time to yourself to think through whatever is on your mind. Journal, go for a walk, meditate, or partake in other self-care practices. On the 27th, Mars—the planet of action—enters Libra, shaking you out of your restorative period and catapulting you back into work in a major way. All you need to do is enjoy the ride this month—the planets will take care of the rest!

libra august 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


This month is a powerful one for you, Scorpio, with shifts in your career and personal life ahead. With the the full moon in Aquarius on the 1st, you may find yourself drawn to your family—either your blood relatives or chosen family—more than usual. Plan to spend some QT with those you love. This warmth and sense of belonging gives you a much-needed boost of confidence and support that will propel you forward throughout August.

On the 16th, the new moon in fire sign Leo shifts the focus to your career, namely whether you are being valued in your current position. If you don't feel well-compensated or appreciated, it is time to say something or, perhaps, seek a new gig. While this can be intimidating, remember, you have a solid support system cheering for you. Later, on the 23rd, Virgo season begins, and with it, Mercury goes retrograde in the same sign. During this time, tour focus will be on friendship and connecting with those who inspire you. You'll be even more tapped into your emotional side on the 30th when the second full moon of the month occurs in fellow water sign Pisces. This is a moment to nurture yourself and your inner child. Get dressed up in pink and see Barbie, or buy a new pack of Crayolas and a fun coloring book. Whatever you can do to bring joy into your life as you move through big changes is encouraged!

scorpio august 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


This month starts off on a social note for you, Sagittarius, which is totally your speed. The full moon in Aquarius on the 1st lights up your house of communication, so expect to chat with anyone and everyone. Between all the texts, phone calls, and deep convos in person, you are learning a lot and being exposed to all sorts of opportunities and plans. Enjoy!

When the new moon in Leo arrives on the 16th, you'll feel an extra surge of adventurous energy (which is hard to imagine, TBH, because you are already quite an adventurous spirit by nature!). Your wanderlust is kicking in, so book that ticket and open yourself up to a world of new possibilities.

As you traipse through Europe, backpack around Asia, or whatever it is you decide to do, you may find yourself reevaluating your career path. Mars, the planet of action, is in your career sector, and when it goes retrograde on the 23rd (which is also the start of career-oriented Virgo season), you’ll feel inspired and ready to step up to new challenges that align with your ambitions!

sagittarius august 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


To quote Cardi B for just a moment, “[There is] nothing in this world that I like more than checks, money. All I really wanna see is the money.” You can relate to that ethos, Cap, since this month is all about financial security. Thank the full moon in Aquarius on the 1st, which lands in your financial sector. Sure, money talk can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Enter these conversations or budgeting sessions with an abundance mindset. You’ll have stacks as high as Cardi in no time if you keep up your hard work!

As the sun enters Virgo on the 23rd and Mercury goes retrograde in this fellow earth sign, your attention turns to knowledge and information. You’re considering how to earn more money best—maybe it’s through a new certificate or training in your field that allows you to level up your career or shifting gears into a new side hustle. On the 3oth, when the full moon illuminates in Pisces, you’ll be ready to share and act on all you’ve learned this August.

capricorn august 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


It’s your full moon month, Aquarius, so you’re pretty much guaranteed to have a good time! August starts off strong with the full moon in your sign encouraging you to be your truest self. You deserve to enjoy your life to the fullest, no matter what anyone says or thinks. Remember the power of your eccentricities—and embrace them!

The new moon in Leo lands in your house of partnerships, encouraging you to open up your circle of friends. Invite that girl from your yoga class out to dinner or that interesting person from your office for a lunch break hang. You never know what important connections are awaiting you. And on the 30th, the full moon in Pisces will have you considering your finances and resources. Lean into the intuitive energy of this water sign and your own out-of-the-box thinking to reimagine your talents. Break free of any limitations, and open yourself up to untapped skills that may lead to opportunities beyond your wildest dreams.

aquarius august 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


This month starts off with the full moon in Aquarius on the 1st, inspiring you to want to get away from it all. Hey, nothing is stopping you, so go for it. Take some time to relax by yourself or with some close friends. A little lake or beach weekend is good for the soul and will refill your cup, allowing you to shine even brighter this month.

On the 16th, the new moon in Leo brings attention to your daily routine. See if you can find creative solutions to things that may seem mundane, like your workout schedule or cleaning routine. How can you make these tasks fun for yourself and enrich your ability to live your life to the fullest? Consider this, and infuse some joy into your usual tasks this month.

When the sun enters Virgo on the 23rd, it marks the halfway point of your year. Check in on any goals you set for yourself on your last birthday. If you haven’t made a ton (or any) progress, that’s fine, but now is a great time to get started. The go-getter energy of Virgo season is on your side as you seize the moment in your career and personal life, and cross those items off your check list. The month ends with a full moon in your sign on the 30th, allowing your authentic self to shine through. Embrace your confidence and all you’ve accomplished in the last month!

pisces august 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned

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