Attack on 4th District candidate Culp was a hack job and other Tri-City Herald letters

Attack on Culp was ‘a hack job’

Many Legislative District 8 residents recently received a hack job mailing concerning candidate Loren Culp. The Washington, D.C.-based Defending Main Street Super Pac authored the hack job. This is the same PAC that has endorsed (Rep. Dan) Newhouse and many other anti-Trumpers. A quick check showed this supposed Reagan group does not live by the Reagan doctrine of never speak ill of another Republican. The big, oh my God, federal tax lien dates back to 1982 and was eventually cleared off. Folks, we dryland residents are a lot smarter than these big private PACs. When you get garbage like this in the mail, read where it came from, look at the footnotes (in this case they credit the Seattle Times from 2020), and then do not accept it until you do some research. Both parties pull this kind of poo on us all the time. Do the research, contact your local political party. No one asked me to write this nor paid me. I am a Republican precinct committee officer, and I encourage all residents, Democrat and Republican, to get informed and vote smart.

Michael Kippes, Richland

Newhouse serves 4th District well

Dan Newhouse is a conservative who has represented the interests of his district well. He is a farmer and has a good understanding of agriculture, which in addition to government-supported activities like Hanford cleanup and research and development, represent the life-blood of the economy of the district. So, if Newhouse is a conservative with a strong track record of accomplishment in Congress, why is he facing a significant primary challenge in 2022?

The main reason is that he is seen as having failed to show loyalty and obedience to a man. It is now becoming clear that the man that many fault Rep. Newhouse for not fully supporting attempted to subvert the Constitution by pressuring his vice-president to throw out legitimate electoral votes of certain states, so that they could be replaced by fake electoral voters.

These acts were in addition to his influence and inaction that contributed to the riot that occurred on January 6. Rep. Newhouse is facing a significant primary challenge because he refused to support these acts. I urge the voters of this district to again vote for Rep. Newhouse to demonstrate that adherence to a Constitutional conservative philosophy is more important than absolute loyalty to a particular individual.

Bruce Harrer, Richland

Jenkin best for Benton County

As a business owner, Bill Jenkin knows how difficult it is to stretch every dollar. Bill will be fiscally responsible when it comes to spending your tax dollars. He will help the citizens of Benton County by putting to use his leadership skills and knowledge to boost the economy of Benton County and make sure public safety is a priority.

Bill served two terms in the state House of Representatives. During this time, he was a true leader for the four-county district (Benton, Franklin, Columbia and Walla Walla) and was successful in making positive and effective changes. This is why he has my vote and why he should have yours! Please vote for Bill Jenkin for Benton County commissioner District 2.

Deb Heintz ,Prosser

Council prayer distracts from job

Blending Christian Nationalism and politics is very dangerous and goes against the intent if not the specific words of the founding fathers. The Christian Nationalism ideology is eroding our democracy. It is a specific agenda that has no place in politics. No one is asking anyone to give up their personal beliefs or prayer — but neither should be imposed on the residents of our community, many of whom have different beliefs.

We should be able to live in a country with a shared dream of inclusion, liberty and justice for all. This entire subject is a distraction from the work the city council should be doing.

Kathyrn Armstrong, Kennewick
