Protests across the country lead to clashes with police, arrests

Protests across the country lead to clashes with police, arrests

Three people were injured in a shooting Saturday during a protest over the death of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky, and more than two dozen people were arrested in Seattle after police declared that a demonstration had turned into a riot.

In Louisville, a self-described armed coalition of Black Americans was denouncing the fatal police shooting of Breonna Taylor when a gun discharged, injuring three people, authorities said. Taylor, 26, was killed by police in March during a raid at her home.

The three were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, the Louisville Metro Police Department said in a statement. The victims were all members of the coalition, as was the person with the weapon, department officials said.

No arrests were made, but the shooting was under investigation.

"This is a tragic situation that could have been much worse," said interim police Chief Rob SchroedeI in a statement. "I encourage anyone choosing to exercise their Second Amendment rights to do so responsibly."

In Seattle, 25 demonstrators were arrested for allegedly assaulting officers, obstructing authorities and failing to disperse, the Seattle Police Department said. Demonstrators threw rocks, bottles and incendiary devices at officers, police said, and a device lobbed into a police station "exploded," the department tweeted. No injuries were reported.

Some of the protesters gathered in the Capitol Hill neighborhood were opposed to the Trump administration's deployment of federal agents to Seattle to protect federal buildings.

A local officer was hospitalized, the police department said, and two others were treated but returned to duty.

NBC Seattle affiliate KING 5 reported that multiple businesses in the neighborhood were damaged.

Related: Anti-racism protests across the U.S.

In Portland, Oregon, the focus of Trump's deployment of federal agents to quell protester violence, a suspect was taken into custody for an early morning stabbing, police said Saturday. The victim was hospitalized in unknown condition, according to the Portland Police Bureau.

Protests were also planned in Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco, according to the organization Refuse Fascism, which hoped to bring more attention to what it described in a statement as "a federal occupying army" in Portland.

Trump said this week that he sent federal agents to Portland to return the city to a peaceful state, but so far the presence of U.S. law enforcement has inspired more uprising.

He also said he was sending federal law enforcement resources to Chicago, which has been plagued by gang violence. He said other major U.S. cities could also see federal agents patrolling their streets.
