Safety Jamal Adams calls out Jets team owner Woody Johnson after allegations of racist comments


New York Jets safety Jamal Adams doesn’t mind sharing his opinions, and he wasn’t going to let a troubling story about team owner Woody Johnson go without comment.

Johnson was the center of a CNN story that said as President Donald Trump’s ambassador to the United Kingdom he was accused of racist and sexist comments. Among the allegations from CNN’s sources were that Johnson had wondered why there was a Black History Month, and that Black fathers who didn't remain with their families was the “real challenge.”

While the NFL ran away from commenting on the issue, Adams took it on.

Jamal Adams calls out Woody Johnson

Adams is the best player and most prominent voice on the Jets, and he seemed to call for a change after the story on Johnson broke.

Woody Johnson owns the Jets with his brother Christopher. Woody Johnson has been Trump’s UK ambassador since 2017, and found himself in the headlines twice this week. The first time was a story from The New York Times that claimed Trump asked Johnson to try to steer the British Open golf tournament to his Trump Turnberry resort in Scotland.

Jets players may not care much about Trump trying to push a big golf tournament to his property, but they are sure to take note of the allegations of Johnson’s comments.

New York Jets safety Jamal Adams spoke out against Woody Johnson's alleged comments. (AP Photo/Gary Landers)
New York Jets safety Jamal Adams spoke out against Woody Johnson's alleged comments. (AP Photo/Gary Landers)

NFL passes on comment about Woody Johnson

The NFL put out a statement to multiple outlets that deflected the question about Johnson’s reported comments.

It’s not an issue the NFL can hide from forever. One of its team owners is in the middle of a story in which he is accused of statements about women and Black people that are inappropriate.

Players have shown they have the power to sway the NFL into action via social media pressure. Adams started that process when it comes to Johnson.

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