GOP senator defies Trump, calls for renaming military bases

GOP senator defies Trump, calls for renaming military bases

Sen. James Lankford says it’s time for some new American heroes.

The Oklahoma Republican backed the spreading calls for the names of Confederate generals to be removed from several military bases amid the movement for racial justice.

“There are lots of great leaders, military leaders ... that are modern leaders,” Lankford said on ABC’s “This Week.”

He said it was problematic to honor men who fought against the U.S. government like the rebel generals.

“If you have a military base that is named after someone that actually rebelled against the United States government, then you would want to be able to go back and look at that name. That should be a pretty basic principle.”

Lankford’s stance puts him at odds with President Trump, who has insisted the forts should not be renamed. The military, which recently banned displays of Confederate flags, says it is open to considering new names.

Sen. James Lankford says it’s time for some new American heroes. The Oklahoma Republican backed the spreading calls for the names of Confederate generals to be removed from several military bases amid the movement for racial justice.

Most Americans view the Confederate statues and flag as symbols of racism and slavery. But some white southerners insist they are simply part of their heritage.

Racial justice protesters have pulled down statues of Confederate leaders, and lawmakers are pushing to get rid of others.

Lankford compared the base names to public schools, which he said should be named after role models.

“You want those children in that school to be able to learn," he said.
