Donna Brazile tells RNC chair to ‘go to hell’ on Fox News over ‘rigged’ primary comment

Donna Brazile tells RNC chair to ‘go to hell’ on Fox News over ‘rigged’ primary comment

Former interim Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile reacted strongly to Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel saying Tuesday the Democratic primary could be “rigged” against Sen. Bernie Sanders.

In fact, Brazile told McDaniel to “go to hell.”

Earlier on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom,” McDaniel discussed the ongoing Super Tuesday voting and what the evening’s vote tallies will mean for remaining campaigns: “It does depend on how big a lead that Sanders takes out of California is, if he picks up a huge proportion of delegates. I don’t see anybody getting out soon and it’s leading towards, potentially, a brokered convention, which will be rigged against Bernie if those superdelegates have their way on that second vote.”

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“First of all, I want to talk to my Republicans. First of all, stay the hell out of our race,” she said after co-hosts Ed Henry and Sandra Smith rolled the clip of McDaniel’s comments. “I get sick and tired, Ed and Sandra, of listening to the Republicans tell me and the Democrats about our process.”

After she lambasted the GOP for, in her estimation, not having its own primary process, she concluded, “Ronna, go to hell!”

Henry audibly said, “Whoa,” so Brazile doubled down: “No, go to hell! I’m tired of it, Ed. We’re not trying to prevent anyone from becoming the nominee. If you have the delegates and win, you will win.”

Her comments came one day after Sen. Amy Klobuchar dropped out of the Democratic race and endorsed former vice president Joe Biden, just as former Democratic candidates Pete Buttigieg and Beto O’Rourke did.

On NBC’s “Today” Tuesday morning, Klobuchar denied that the coalition of former candidates behind Biden was an attempt to quash Sanders’ progressive campaign.

Read original story Donna Brazile Tells RNC Chair to ‘Go to Hell’ on Fox News Over ‘Rigged’ Primary Comment At TheWrap
