Customer slams Chik-fil-A over breastfeeding incident: 'I am extremely disappointed'

A mom in Georgia has sparked a wave of outrage after a bad experience at Chik-fil-A left her "shocked' and "surprised."

Samantha McIntosh was eating at a Chik-fil-A with her 9-year-old niece and her 7-month-old daughter when the incident occurred last week. The mom was breastfeeding her daughter inside the fast food restaurant when a manager allegedly approached her, handed her a jacket and asked her to stop.

McIntosh, who said she was wearing a nursing top and a long sleeve sweatshirt, was angered by the request, as she was showing "absolutely no skin." The manager, citing another customer's complaint and the fact that there were young children inside the restaurant, insisted that she cover up more — psuhing the mom to take to Facebook with her frustrations.

"Why would someone ask me to cover up? Why would a baby eating in any way offend someone to the point where it takes a manager approaching me about the situation?! So I got mad," McIntosh said in a Facebook post in which she described the ordeal.

The mom's post, which has drawn more than 5,000 comments and 1,500 shares, goes on to explain that she ultimately decided to stop breastfeeding. However, she added that another mother sitting nearby became angry as well, calling the manager over on McIntosh's behalf and asking about Chick-fil-A's policies regarding breastfeeding.

That reportedly led to another confrontation with the manager, who asserted that the staff had every right to ask McIntosh to stop breastfeeding. The mom left the restaurant immediately after that argument.

"Needless to say I am extremely disappointed in the way Chick-fil-a management handled the situation," she wrote on Facebook.

But the controversy didn't end there. McIntosh's viral post ultimately gained so much attention that several moms decided to join her for a "nurse-in" at the Chick-fil-A a few days later, according to the Augusta Chronicle. At the event, several moms began breastfeeding at the restaurant in order to protest the issue.

"We need to normalize breastfeeding and make sure that people are as comfortable as possible with moms feeding their kids however they decide," Jessica Gaugush, who helped organize the event, told the Augusta Chronicle.

Not everyone seemed to agree with McIntosh though. The mom's Facebook post featured plenty of supportive responses, but also some from users who saw her behavior as inappropriate.

"No matter what you believe it’s not something to be doing where others eat," one user wrote on McIntosh's Facebook post. "Y’all are so quick to 'stand up for breastfeeding' right? But don’t give a s*** if it offends or grosses people out. It’s quite simple."

McIntosh, for her part, told the Augusta Chronicle that the manager of the Chick-fil-A where the incident occurred had called her to apologize. However, Gaugush said the problem goes beyond one single restaurant.

"This wasn’t just a problem with Chick-fil-A ... If you read the story, truly I believe that the people around that had reported it in the first place are also part of the problem,” she told the Augusta Chronicle.
