Trump's approval rating mostly unchanged despite impeachment

Donald Trump's presidency is a roller coaster everywhere except in his approval rating.

There have been ups (the economy, the killing of an ISIS leader) and there have been downs (the Mueller investigation and impeachment inquiry, to start) in his presidency. Through it all, though, the president's job approval has remained steady across all polls, the NBC News/Wall Street Journal’s included.

Trump's approval rating has hovered within the same nine-point range (upper: 47 percent in the Oct. 14-17, 2018, poll; lower: 38 percent in Oct. 23-26, 2017) since his inauguration in January 2017.

In the most recent poll, 45 percent approved of Trump's job performance. That's 2 points higher than the previous poll, taken October 4-6, 2019.

Trump has a median approval rating of 43 percent. At the highlighted point in their tenure, Obama, Bush, and Clinton had respective median ratings of 48 percent, 50 percent, and 52 percent.
