Kindergarten class offers heartwarming support at classmate’s adoption hearing: ‘A beautiful story’

A group of kindergarteners are going viral for the heartwarming way they chose to support their classmate during his adoption process.

Court employees in Grand Rapids, Mich., witnessed a packed house on Thursday after five-year-old Michael Orlando Clark Jr. brought some friends along for his big day, WXMI-TV reports.

Michael was one of 37 children whose adoptions were finalized in court that day, although his proceedings were likely different than the others. The five-year-old brought along his entire class to watch as he officially joined Andrea Melvin and Dave Eaton's family.

Local news stations captured photos and videos of the touching moment, showing Michael's friends packed into the courtroom's seats as Melvin and Eaton became his legal parents.

"Never have I experienced that before, and it was loads of fun, the kids were into it and supporting their best friend, and the family of Michael," Judge Patricia Gardner told WXMI.

The judge wasn't the only one charmed by the moment. Kerry McKee, Michael's teacher, told WOOD-TV that the show of support offered a valuable lesson.

"The lesson is put a little love in your heart," McKee said. We rise when we support others."

Michael's adorable moment quickly went viral, with plenty of Twitter users pouring in support for the five-year-old and his class.

"Great! Now I’m crying sitting at a restaurant by myself. What an awesome story," one user wrote.

"Wow, this is so humbling ... beautiful example set for his classmates and for us adults on the idea of opening our hearts and home to children. It means so much," another commented.

Melvin and Eaton were also charmed by the support for their son. WXMI reported that the family had already been living together for a year, but the parents knew immediately he'd be a great fit.

"He brings us a lot of joy,” Melvin said. “He's just so full of energy and so full of love, it's just been great for everybody."

Eaton added that he now hopes other children can have similar experiences on their own adoption days.
