Kamala Harris dropping out of presidential race

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) is dropping her presidential bid. She informed her staff on Tuesday.

Harris held a call with her team in Iowa on Tuesday, saying that she had made the decision because of financial struggles experienced by the campaign.

“I don’t think anyone on my team was expecting this,” said one staffer who said they were completely shocked by the news.

Harris will be going to New York City and Baltimore to inform staff there as well, and she intends to travel to the four early states where she has a campaign presence to be with her team there as well this week.

The Harris campaign did not immediately return a request for comment.

The news came just as a super PAC reserved airtime in Iowa for an ad blitz, set to begin on Tuesday, meant to bolster the candidate. Harris’ team had been upfront about their financial issues and had cut staff in New Hampshire in order to double-down on the caucus state.
