Veterans set record for high-altitude jump at Mt. Everest


A group of veterans accomplished an incredible feat on Oct. 27, according to ABC News. The team completed the highest ever parachute jump in world history.

Led by former Seal Fred Williams and former Navy Seal Admiral Bob Harward, the jump took place at Mount Everest, at a height of more than 20,000 feet. The event was sponsored by Complete Parachute Solutions (CPS), which develops training courses and provides technical support to the U.S. military.

Harward told ABC News that it took several test jumps at 14,000 feet, 16,000 feet and 18,000 feet to acclimate to the altitude and to be sure that the helicopter could drop them off in the correct spot.

The elements at the peak of Mount Everest also add to the challenge. The parachuters need to be extremely accurate and precise, but with the terrain and changing winds, it can be difficult.

"It's as exciting as any of our missions in the Seal community," Harward said. "As always we mitigate the risks, we plan accordingly and it went perfectly."

"In gaining these experiences, CPS better understands high-altitude, parachute-flight characteristics, further securing its place as an expert in this arena and enabling it to more effectively guide its customers in the use of its products," the CPS Facebook page posted on Oct. 29.

Watch the incredible footage and full ABC News interview with Admiral Bob Harward above.
