Woman in bloody 'Carrie' costume horrifies first responders

First responders to a car accident in South Point, Ohio, were treated to a real-life excerpt from a horror show on Friday night.

Sidney Wolfe, a student at West Virginia’s Marshall University, was driving home from a haunted house event where she was promoting her upcoming role in a musical adaptation of Stephen King’s iconic horror novel “Carrie.” Wolfe was still in her full Carrie White costume ― complete with prom dress, tiara and fake blood, when her car struck a deer.

“If anyone wants to know how my weekend went I totaled my car while dressed up as Carrie and everyone who was a first responder thought I was dead HAHAHAHA IM SO SORRY,” Wolfe said in a now-viral tweet on Sunday, alongside images of her costume and car:

“The very first responder was a gentleman that pulled over being a Good Samaritan,” Wolfe told HuffPost. “You could tell he was horrified.”

“Next came the police officers who were like ‘oh man’ and kept asking over and over again if I needed medical assistance,” she said. “The second round of cops that came weren’t in on the makeup and said, ‘Are we just gonna ignore that blood is dripping and she needs medical assistance?’”

Wolfe said she was uninjured except for a slight bruise on her leg, but her costume had her looking truly terrifying.

Wolfe explained that, in a funny plot twist, she was actually set to play Sue Snell in “Carrie The Musical.” She was just filling in for the actor playing the Carrie White character after the star became ill.

The musical debuts on Halloween.

The deer did not survive.
