Alligators in Florida can now climb fences. Yes, you read that right.


Those with herpetophobia, beware — alligators in Florida can now climb fences. And no, we're not kidding.

Last Saturday, Christina Stewart took to Facebook to share images and video of an alligator scaling a chain-link fence at Naval Air Station Jacksonville.

"When someone says there is [an] alligator on base of course i have to go see and glad i did got to watch him or her crawl over the gate and disappear so neat," she wrote.

Stewart's post has since gone viral, with over 4,000 Facebook users sharing her footage.

"Ummm excuse me while I s*** my pants!!!!" one person wrote. "I didn't know the damn things could climb fences!!!!"

"It's a good reminder not to let small pets or children roam around by themselves or play near the water in Florida," another wrote. "You truly never know where a gator might be hanging out. And that one is big enough to worry, even for some smaller adults."

Despite the disturbing scene, officials with the air station told WTVM that they don't plan on removing the reptile from the premises until it poses a danger to nearby residents.

Guess that means we're not going to Florida anytime soon.
