Man accused of hiding spy camera in a United Airlines first-class bathroom

Choon Ping Lee was arrested after a woman made the disturbing discovery that a hidden spy camera had been hastily installed in a United Airlines first-class bathroom.

According to authorities, the woman was flying first class from San Diego to Houston and noticed a blinking blue light when she entered the bathroom. She initially thought it had been part of the aircraft, but upon closer inspection she realized something didn't seem right, and wrapped the device with a paper towel and brought it to the flight crew.

The United Airlines security team was able to confirm that it was a video camera that had been on for the duration of the flight. At the beginning of the tape was footage of the perpetrator — Choon Ping Lee — installing the device onto the doorframe of the first-class bathroom, and while his face was hidden in the recovered video, he had distinctive jewelry that made it easy for him to be identified after FBI agents poured over hours of security footage at the San Diego airport.

But then another discovery was made: This was not the first time Choon Ping Lee had done this. Older deleted footage found from the camera that showed photos of two other women in the bathroom on a different flight.

Lee's employer, Halliburton, was alerted about his charges and said they would cooperate with authorities.

As the video above mentions, it's not just airplanes that are vulnerable to spying — within recent years, cruise ships and Airbnbs have been subject to lawsuits over guests finding hidden cameras in their bedrooms.

Lee now faces a charge of video voyeurism.
