Trump tweets support for far-right activists Facebook banned


Get ready for the Don vs. Mark smackdown.

President Trump slammed Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook for banning several far-right figures — and took a shot at the mainstream media for what he calls its #FakeNews falsehoods.

In an early morning tweet spree, Trump twice retweeted hate-spewing YouTube personality Paul Joseph Watson, who complained that the social media giant is muzzling him for being politically incorrect.

The online outburst came on top of Trump’s late Friday tweets complaining that #MAGA-backing actor James Wood should not have been banned from the platform.

He said the White House would “monitor” Facebook’s actions, which he suggested infringe on freedom of speech.

RELATED: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies before Congress

Facebook on Thursday cracked down on hate speech by banning Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan and InfoWars chief Alex Jones, whose site traffics in conspiracy theories like the claim that the Sandy Hook massacre never happened. Far-right-wing haters such as Laura Loomer and ex-Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulis were also given the boot by the site and its partner, Instagram.

The move was a big shift for Zuckerberg who earlier defended the rights of Holocaust deniers and other hate merchants to remain on Facebook.
