George Conway blasts Trump for 'pathological' lies

Remarks by President Trump were dubbed “pathological lies” by George Conway, as the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway went on a Twitter rant about the Commander in Chief’s mental state.

Conway started off his Twitter thread asking “Have we ever seen this degree of brazen, pathological mendacity in American public life?”

Conway cited recent examples where Trump denied to Republican donors that he called Apple CEO Tim Cook, “Tim Apple” despite video evidence and the President later tweeted that the combination was “an easy way to save time and words.”

On Twitter Conway wondered why lie about a “harmless slip of the tongue, something any mentally balanced person would laugh off.”

Adding that one lie isn’t enough, pointing to Trump’s different explanation that he was saving time, saying, ”This man who recently gave an incoherent, rambling two-hour-plus speech, this man not known for economy of words?”

Conway also pointed to Trump continuing to use the “no collusion mantra” by misquoting the judge’s words in the Manafort case as, “...a lie no reasonable person would believe. It undermines his credibility. It’s self-defeating.”

Conway ended by saying “whether or not impeachment is in order, a serious inquiry needs to be made about this man’s condition of mind.”

The president’s son, Eric Trump hit back on Twitter, writing, “Of all the ugliness in politics, the utter disrespect George Conway shows towards his wife, her career, place of work and everything she has fought SO hard to achieve, might top them all.”
