Roger Stone associate Jerome Corsi in plea negotiations with Mueller: report

Jerome Corsi, a conservative conspiracy theorist associated with Roger Stone, is negotiating a plea deal with special counsel Robert Mueller, The Washington Post reported Friday citing an unnamed person with knowledge of the talks. NBC News confirmed that negotiations are in progress.

The talks could help Mueller and his team determine whether President Donald Trump or anyone working on his campaign coordinated with WikiLeaks in the 2016 hack on Democratic National Committee emails to boost the Trump campaign.

No deal has been finalized, however, and talks could still fall apart. Corsi has previously said that he met with Mueller’s team for 40 hours’ worth of interview sessions and expects an indictment that could land him in prison for the rest of his life.

The 2016 email hack has become a central part of the investigation into Russia’s alleged campaign interference. Twelve Russian nationals were charged in connection with the hack over the summer and the Justice Department is reportedly preparing to prosecute the controversial WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Mueller has also been investigating Stone, a Republican operative and longtime Trump adviser. Corsi provided Stone with opposition research on Democrats during the 2016 campaign. The special counsel is reportedly examining the role Corsi may have had in disseminating the hacked emails and asking whether he knows of any Trump campaign staffers’ potential involvement, as well.

Although Corsi’s relation to Trump is not clear, the two share a conspiracy theory that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, an idea Trump has brazenly flaunted for years.

A prolific author, Corsi published in 2011 a book about the conspiracy theory titled, “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to Be President.” According to a New York Times report, Trump sought Corsi’s input on the subject in 2011, along with that of Joseph Farah, who founded the far-right website WorldNetDaily.

In the past, Corsi has written for WorldNetDaily and InfoWars, the conspiracy website founded by the right-wing fringe figure Alex Jones.

Trump recently submitted his written answers to questions from Mueller on key topics of scrutiny, his lawyers said Tuesday, marking a significant milestone in the probe that has stretched over a year and a half.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.
