Poll: 29 percent of voters think most members of Congress deserve re-election

Just half of registered voters believe their member of Congress deserves to be re-elected – the lowest percentage on record.

The 50 percent of voters who want their representative to serve another term is the lowest – by one point – that Gallup has recorded over the past seven midterm elections.

In addition to the half of voters who want to see their member of Congress re-elected, Gallup found that just 29 percent of registered voters say that "most" members of Congress also deserve to be re-elected. While low, the figure is an increase from its lowest point, 23 percent, in 2014.

This year's numbers mark a significant reversal from their peak in 1998. That year, 69 percent of people said their member of Congress deserved to be re-elected and 58 percent said most members deserved re-election.

See Americans at the polls on Election Day:

Differences of opinions are seen across party lines in this year's poll. While 60 percent of Republicans want to see their member of Congress re-elected, only 45 percent of Democrats want the same. Additionally, 38 percent of Republicans want most members of Congress re-elected, while only 21 percent of Democrats agree. Both chambers are currently controlled by Republicans.

According to Gallup, results from 2010 and 2006 polls followed a similar trend. When one party controls both houses of Congress and the White House, that party was more likely to say their member and most members of Congress deserved to be re-elected. However, in 2014 when Democrats controlled the White House and the Senate but Republicans controlled the House, responses from members of each party were "essentially equal."

When it comes to the presidency, although the next presidential election is still two years away, 56 percent of voters do not believe President Donald Trump deserves to be re-elected, while 41 percent believe he does deserve another term.

Gallup's poll was conducted between Oct. 15 and 28 among 1,011 adults and has a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

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