New Orleans archdiocese releases list of 57 alleged abusers

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The Archdiocese of New Orleans has released a list of 57 priests and other clergy it says faced credible allegations of child sex abuse. It says those under archdiocese authority have been removed from ministry or are dead.

It's the first such list to be released in Louisiana, the state where the first widely reported case of clergy sex abuse became public in the 1980s. Gilbert Gauthe (goh-THAY) worked in the Diocese of Lafayette, not the New Orleans archdiocese.

The archdiocese's list includes where each man served.

It was released with a letter from Archbishop Gregory Aymond inviting people to come forward if they have allegations about someone not on the list.

The archdiocese covers New Orleans and seven nearby civil parishes.

Aymond says it reviewed files of more than 2,400 priests who served there since 1950.
