'Fox & Friends' has reporter 'foil' migrant family's attempt to cross border

A bizarre segment on “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday morning featured a reporter at the United States border in McAllen, Texas, lying in the bushes “in wait” for a migrant family to attempt to cross: All in an effort to “foil” said family’s efforts.

“We laid in the bushes in wait and we busted one of those smuggling operations,” says Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins, before the video pans over to him in a bush watching a migrant family in a raft attempting to come to America for safety.

“We’ve been out here in the bushes waiting to witness one of these crossings,” he added. “You can see they’ve got a family in a raft.”

Jenkins shouted, “Excuse me, sir, were you trying to cross into America illegally?” causing the family to avoid heading towards him. The reporter then says: “We seemed to have foiled this attempt, but officials tell us that he’s probably just going to look for another spot.”

Several thousand Central American migrants are currently traveling together to come to the United States in an effort to flee the poverty and violence in their home countries. The group, mostly comprised of Honduran migrants, began its journey on Oct. 13 and has traveled “through Guatemala and is passing through southern Mexico with migrants from Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala,” according to USA Today.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras, a human rights group that provides aid and legal assistance to migrants, coordinated the effort; it is the second caravan organized this year.

The segment on “Fox & Friends” continues its strange voyeurism by having Jenkins approach the family and ask them: “Can you tell me why you came illegally?”

A woman in the family responded: “The situation in Honduras. You cannot have work in there because the criminals will always get your money.”

It is not illegal to seek asylum at U.S. border crossings; however, the Trump administration has been making it harder for migrants to seek asylum legally.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.
