Taxi drivers in England may be banned from wearing shorts

There may soon be a dress code for taxi cab drivers in England.

Fox News reports that there is a new rule being debated in Bath and North East Somerset council next week that may ban cabbies from wearing shorts.

The site notes that shorts can be “provocative or sexually revealing.” Some leaders reportedly think a ruling is the only way to solve the issue.

Some drivers are reportedly pushing back, saying they’ll be uncomfortable during hot, summer months. A member of the Bath Spa Taxi Association told SWNS, “I don’t see shorts that come below the knee as a problem.”

Cab drivers are also reportedly irritated because drivers from ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft would not be held to these same dress code standards.

A council officer explained to SWNS that the goal is for the public to feel more comfortable choosing licensed cabs over other forms of transportation.
