Hillary Clinton talks comparisons of sexual misconduct allegations against her husband to those against Trump

As a precursor to the "Bill and Hillary Clinton 13-City Tour", former first lady Hillary Clinton discussed with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour the comparisons between the sexual misconduct accusations against her husband, former President Clinton, to those against President Trump.

Clinton said that “there is a very significant difference, and that is the intense, long lasting partisan investigation that was conducted in the 90's."

She went on to say, "If the Republicans want a comparison, they have to welcome an investigation themselves."

The allegations against Bill Clinton -- who was impeached after lying under oath about having a consensual relationship with then-White House intern, Monica Lewinsky -- have resurfaced in light of the #MeToo Movement.

The Hill reports that he has been accused by four women of nonconsensual sexual interactions and has denied all accusations.

Trump has also denied allegations of unwanted groping and kissing from more than a dozen women since he came into office.

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