Poll: Americans believe Stormy Daniels more than Trump

A newly released poll by YouGov and The Economist asked Americans whether they believe President Trump more than adult actress Stormy Daniels.

The results showed that Americans are more likely to believe Daniels than Trump. Thirty-four percent of respondents said they believe Daniels more, while only 30 percent said they believed Trump more. Another 30 percent said "neither one."

The poll is referencing an alleged affair between Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump that supposedly began back in 2006 while Trump was married to Melania, according to NPR. The site notes that Daniels was 27 years old at the time and Trump was 60.

6 percent of the poll respondents said Daniels and Trump were equally trustworthy.

There was a stark difference in response across party lines with 72 percent of Republicans saying they believed Trump more, while 63 percent of Democrats believed Daniels more.

1500 U.S. adults were polled.
