Sean Spicer heckled at book tour event in New York City, called 'piece of garbage'


Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer was heckled on Wednesday while promoting his new book in New York City.

In a video sent to Think Progress reporter Aaron Rupar, an unidentified man can be heard yelling at Spicer during an interview at the Barnes & Noble store in Union Square. Spicer is currently on a press tour to promote his new book, The Briefing, which chronicles his time in the Trump administration.

“Hey Sean, you’re a real piece of garbage and I hope you look around and see all these empty seats,” the man shouted in the clip. “And I hope you realize in even in New York City, people will not come and pay money to hear you speak.”

The comments sparked an uproar among others at the event and the man was quickly escorted from the building.

“It’s a garbage book and you’re a garbage person,” the heckler shouted at the end of the video. “You lied as press secretary. Now you’re lying in your book.”

Confrontation seems to be the theme of Spicer’s book tour. On Tuesday, BBC host Emily Maitlis grilled the former White House official about working for President Donald Trump, including the infamous lie about his boss’ inauguration crowd size.

“It was the start of the most corrosive culture,” Maitlis said during the interview. “You played with the truth. You led us down a dangerous path. You have corrupted discourse for the entire world by going along with these lies.”

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.
