Trump 'very concerned' Russia will help Democrats in midterm elections

President Trump is “very concerned” that Russia will try to interfere in the upcoming midterm elections and that Russia will be in support of the Democrats running.

In a recent tweet he explained he believes they will be pushing for the Democrats because “No president has been tougher on Russia than me ... They definitely don’t want Trump!”

Trump’s tweet comes after he said he sees no reason Putin would interfere in the election, to then saying he meant to say wouldn’t, and a number of other conflicting statements about Russian interference in the 2016 election.\

Also just last week, Trump said “no” when reporters asked him if Russia is still a threat.

The White House later clarified saying the “no” was in reference to something else.

It’s also important to note during the press conference in Finland, Putin did tell reporters he wanted Trump to win the 2016 election.
