Sean Spicer maintains claim that Trump's inauguration was the most watched ever

Sean Spicer may be long gone from the White House, but he is still sticking to the controversial claim that President Donald Trump’s inauguration was the most watched ever.

According to the Washington Post, the former White House Press Secretary set the record straight about what his initial report on the attendance records for the inauguration really meant, saying:

“If you look at the statement that I actually made — and I will admit that we should have made it clearer — we should have focused on total audience size and not let people believe that we were talking about the [National] Mall itself, I will concede that."

He also said: “The bottom line is that there are platforms available today that weren’t available for Obama."

Spicer and the Trump administration argued that in terms of the total number of people who watched the inauguration, Trump’s numbers were higher than Obama’s first swearing in. Claiming also that side-by-side photos that compared the two events had been misleading the public.

Spicer is promoting his new book, “The Briefing” and made sure to note that he has no interest in working for the Trump administration again.
