LeSean McCoy's ex-girlfriend details alleged assault, hints gifted jewelry was the cause of the attack

Delicia Cordon, LeSean McCoy’s ex-girlfriend, was allegedly physically assaulted in her home that she currently shares with McCoy — sparking accusations toward the Buffalo Bills running back.

A friend of Cordon’s posted a picture on Instagram of her with a bruised and bloodied face, and blamed McCoy in the caption. That post was taken down by Tuesday night, and McCoy has denied the allegations, writing on Instagram that he has “not had any direct contact with any of the people involved in months.”

LeSean McCoy’s ex-girlfriend Delicia Cordon was allegedly assaulted at the home that they share on Tuesday morning, which she alleged in a statement from her attorneys was the result of jewelry that McCoy gave her and then later wanted back. (Getty Images)
LeSean McCoy’s ex-girlfriend Delicia Cordon was allegedly assaulted at the home that they share on Tuesday morning, which she alleged in a statement from her attorneys was the result of jewelry that McCoy gave her and then later wanted back. (Getty Images)

Cordon released a statement through her attorneys on Tuesday night explaining her side of the story and her account of the attack that took place at their home. The statement alleged that the cause of the robbery was jewelry that McCoy had given her as a gift, and then later wanted back. She does not accuse McCoy of attacking her directly.

From her attorneys:

At approximately 3:00 a.m. on this morning, while she was sleeping in the residence that she shares with Mr. McCoy, Ms. Cordon was physically assaulted
in the home by a male assailant who entered the home with no signs of forced entry. The assailant demanded specific items of jewelry that had been previously gifted to Ms. Cordon by Mr. McCoy, which Mr. McCoy had requested back on many occasions. In fact, after Ms. Cordon refused to return her jewelry gifts to Mr. McCoy, he would often suggest to Ms. Cordon that she could be robbed because the jewelry was expensive.

In the attack this morning, Ms. Cordon’s wrist was bruised when the assailant could not get the bracelets off her wrist, and he hit Ms. Cordon in the face with a firearm multiple times while demanding specific items of jewelry and cash from her. Ms. Cordon sustained multiple injuries to her head, face and arms during this horrendous attack. Additionally, Ms. Cordon’s female cousin was at the residence, and she too was hit in the back of her head by the assailant with the firearm.

McCoy has referred to Cordon as his ex-girlfriend in court filings, however she still lives at the home.

The alleged assault comes after an incident last month where Cordon claims that McCoy had multiple people attempt to evict her from the home. Cordon said she learned of this while live streaming their security footage from her phone, and then she contacted police and had it stopped. McCoy then installed a new camera and security system, according to Cordon’s attorneys.

“He had a new security system installed with all new cameras and a new service provider; however, Mr. McCoy did not give Ms. Cordon any information about the new security system,” her attorney’s said. “She has no access to arm or disarm the alarm.”

Cordon’s attorneys said that McCoy has not contacted her since the attack, and she is unaware whether he was able to view the attack via the security camera system.

Cordon and McCoy have been locked in a legal battle for more than a year over the home they shared in Atlanta. A hearing was scheduled for Tuesday, but was postposed due to her attorney’s family emergency. It is now scheduled to be heard on August 14.

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