Congresswoman Maxine Waters cancels 2 public events after receiving a 'very serious death threat'

Controversial and outspoken Congresswoman Maxine Waters canceling two public events after receiving what her office calls a quote, “very serious death threat.”

“As the president has continued to lie and falsely claim that I encouraged people to assault his supporters, while also offering a veiled threat that should ‘be careful,’ even more individuals are leaving [threatening] messages and sending hostile mail to my office,” Waters said, in a statement to CNN.

President Trump previously tweeted, “Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for Max!”

RELATED: Congresswoman Maxine Waters

He also went after the California Democrat at a rally in North Dakota where he said, “Please keep Maxine Waters on the air, as your face and your mouthpiece for the Democrat party.”

One of the threats was reportedly from a person in Texas which caused her to cancel two planned engagements in Texas and Alabama.

“This is just one in several very serious threats the United States Capitol Police are investigating in which individuals threatened to shoot, lynch, or cause me serious bodily harm,” Waters added in the statement.

She also called for public confrontations of members of the Cabinet who try and defend Trump.

Republicans and even members of her own party have condemned Waters for making the comments.
