President Trump labels DOJ watchdog report a 'horror show'

President Trump unloaded Friday on the report by the Justice Department's internal watchdog, calling its conclusions "wrong” and labeling the 500-page document a “horror show.”

“The end result was wrong. I mean, there was total bias,” Trump said in an interview with “Fox & Friends” from the White House lawn.

The report, released Thursday by Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz, found former FBI Director James Comey was “insubordinate” during the bureau's investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while serving as Secretary of State.

However, the report also concluded that there was no political bias on part of Comey or other investigators.

Trump, who fired Comey last year, vehemently disagreed with the reports findings.

“Comey was the ringleader of this whole den of thieves,” he said Friday. “You look at what happened. They were plotting against my election.”

Trump has previously called Comey a liar and has accused his own Justice Department of not pursuing criminal charges against the former G-man.

Trump backtracked on Friday, telling “Fox & Friends” that someone else should decide if Comey should face criminal charges.

“I would never want to get involved in that. Certainly he, they seemed like criminal acts to me. What he did was criminal. What he did was terrible thing to the people,” Trump said. “Should he be locked up? Let somebody make a determination.”

Trump boasted that he’s cleaned out the bias he claims tainted top officials at the FBI under President Obama, but claimed the agency is in his corner now.

“The people of the FBI are incredible,” Trump said. “I would bet if you took a poll in the FBI I would win that poll by more than anybody's won a poll but the top people were horrible.”
