George Soros: Trump Is ‘willing to destroy the world’

Billionaire investor George Soros has called President Trump a “narcissist [who is] perfectly willing to destroy the world in order to maintain his narcissism.”

“I have built a kind of a mental picture of [Trump] as the ultimate narcissist. I don’t think that he was at all prepared to win the election. Neither he nor [Russian President Vladimir] Putin expected him to win,” he added in his interview with the Washington Post.

The 87-year-old liberal donor has been fighting against Trump at least since the 2016 election where his Soros Fund Management helped fund opponent Hillary Clinton’s campaign to the tune of around $25 million.

He has admitted her loss was surprising, but the setback did not temper his attacks on Trump, whom he has accused of being a “would-be dictator.”

Soros has spoken out about increasing authoritarianism around the world as well as criticized te president for his positions on North Korea, climate change, and globalism.

Soros also predicted Trump’s forthcoming downfall, telling a crowd in Davos, Switzerland, earlier this year, “I consider the Trump administration a danger to the world. But I regard it as a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020, or even sooner.”
