Sister of Louise Turpin fears witchcraft obsession fueled alleged child abuse against 13 kids

Louise Turpin’s sister says she’ll likely miss a crucial hearing in the horrific abuse of her 13 nieces and nephews, but new details revealed in her memoir could help prosecutors.

Elizabeth Flores completed the brunt of her tell-all book days before police swooped in and busted her sister Louise and her husband, David Turpin, on a slew of child abuse charges in January.

While Flores’ “Sisters of Secrets” denies knowledge of the house of horrors where cops found the half-starved children, she details her bizarre encounters with the Turpin family a decade earlier.

“She told me she was messing around with witchcraft. It just really freaked me out,” said Flores, who spoke to the Daily News on Wednesday from Tennessee.

Turpin's obsession with Satanic rituals, spells and her Ouija board was worrisome when Flores moved to Texas from 2008 to 2010 she said. During that time, Turpin claims the parlor board game told her she would have another child, according to the book.

"She brought the Ouija board to my home and I wouldn't let her bring it in my door," Flores said.

The change that upset Flores the most was when Turpin tried converting her younger sister to join a snake handling festival in Arlington.

“Louise was attracted to that, like women dancing with rattle snakes around their necks,” Flores told the Daily News. “She was reading that snakes give you power.”

Much of Turpin's alleged fascination with the dark arts is detailed in the 204-page book. During her time in Texas, Flores feared her sister was dabbling in darkness. Flores now wonders if that could have played a role on how the couple is believed to have treated their 13 kids at the Perris home.

“I do know witchcraft is very serious and demonic,” Flores said. “If she did get deep into that, I do think it could have led her to do what she did because you’re basically selling your soul to the devil.”

The alleged abuse impacted each of their kids, whose ages ranged from 2 to 29. Their oldest child weighed only 82 pounds when police rescued them.

The couple allegedly kept the kids shackled as punishment and often denied them food and toys.

Whether Louise Turpin was the driving force behind the abuse remains unseen.

“Maybe she was the mastermind behind all this,” Flores said. “Maybe it wasn’t David.”

In her book, she recalls her sister's love for snakes when she visited the family's haunting home after the arrest. She noticed the couple kept a statue of a snake in "attack mode" by the door.

Much of the allegations against the couple will be amplified when Turpin returns to court later this month. Flores hopes her book counters that and helps young children instead.

"I want them to read the book and know they do have a voice. My nieces and nephews didn't know they had a voice," she said.

David Turpin pleaded not guilty last month to eight counts of perjury for lying on government documents about their schooling. He also faces charges of torture and abuse.

Louise and David Turpin are being held on $12 million bail.
