Roger Stone thinks Trump will not run for re-election in 2020

Longtime confidante and former campaign Adviser Roger Stone making waves, claiming that President Trump may not seek re-election in 2020.

Although Trump has already appeared at various campaign rallies in order to garner support and funds for his re-election bid.

Stone spoke to Big League Politics, a right-wing website founded by former Breitbart employees, telling them that Trump running for a second term is not a quote, “foregone conclusion.”

Stone argued that if the President continues to fulfill promises, such as rebuilding the economy, building a border wall, redoing trade agreements and creating a peace agreement with North Korea, he would be satisfied with his accomplishments.

RELATED: Roger Stone through the years

The former adviser also speculated over whether or not Vice President Mike Pence or UN Ambassador Nikki Hayley may be preparing for a presidential bid in 2020, with Stone promising to back a candidate to go against Pence, who he described as an “establishment Republican quisling."

Stone has recently come into focus in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, with a former driver, accountant and operative for stone being issued a subpoena.
