President Trump's tribute to Barbara Bush misstates year of death

The White House on Tuesday slapped the wrong date on a statement marking the death of former First Lady Barbara Bush, who championed literacy for low-income families.

An email the Office of the Press Secretary sent on behalf of President Trump paying tribute to Bush was dated April 17, 2017, rather than 2018 — the current year.

Trump tweeted the same statement, highlighting the incorrect year.

Trump’s remarks made note of Bush’s contributions to helping children and adults learn to read and write.

“Mrs. Bush was an advocate of the American family,” the statement read. “Amongst her greatest achievements was recognizing the importance of literacy as a fundamental family value that requires nurturing and protection.”

Bush helped pass the National Literacy Act, which her husband, President George H.W. Bush, signed in 1991, to help strengthen literacy programs for adults. The measure was inspired by her son Neil Bush's struggle with dyslexia.

While not the most bizarre writing gaffe Trump has personally penned, it’s among unprecedented typos such as the time Trump misspelled “honered,” “amoung,” “councel,” and whatever “covfefe” was.
