Two youth baseball coaches reportedly hatched plan to bean 11-year-old girl

Two youth baseball coaches reportedly wanted to hit an 11-year-old girl in the head with a pitch. (Getty Images)
Two youth baseball coaches reportedly wanted to hit an 11-year-old girl in the head with a pitch. (Getty Images)

Two youth baseball coaches in New Hampshire are being investigated by their league after reportedly hatching a plan to bean an 11-year-old girl, according to the Fosters Daily Democrat.

The Oyster River Youth Association (ORYA) is looking into the situation after the girl’s father, Dan Klein, claimed some other coaches in the league warned him of the plan.

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Klein claims two coaches discussed making one of their players hit his daughter in the head with a pitch in an attempt to get her to quit. She’s the only girl in the league.

Those comments were reportedly made during the league’s draft. Two other coaches at the draft were uncomfortable with the conversation, and relayed the information to Klein.

The league has opened an investigation into the comments after Klein emailed board members with his concerns. He did not contact police, though they are aware of the situation. Law enforcement has not decided whether to launch its own investigation into the matter, according to the Fosters Daily Democrat,

Klein did not recommend any specific punishment for the coaches who allegedly wanted to hit his daughter with a pitch. He stressed that he just wants to make sure the kids in the league are safe.

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Chris Cwik is a writer for Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Chris_Cwik

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