Lyrid meteor shower to light up the nighttime sky in April


The Lyrid Meteor Shower will light up the nighttime sky later this month, treating stargazers around the world to a spectacular sight.

Considered to be the oldest known meteor shower, the Lyrid Meteor Shower was named after Lyra, a small constellation that lies in the northern sky from which the meteors appear to originate.

The annual celestial event, which occurs in April every year, will reach its peak between the night of April 22 and the morning of the 23rd, when it will produce around 20 meteors per hour.

The shower should be visible from most parts of the Northern hemisphere, assuming those attempting to view it remain far away from areas heavily affected by light pollution.

NASA recommends that viewers lie flat on their backs with their feet facing east while looking up. The agency says that after about 30 minutes of adjusting to the dark, stargazers may begin to observe the meteors.

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