Woman says she believes picture is evidence that friend was murdered by her own sister

After 15-year-old Reesa was brutally murdered on June 15, 1984, townspeople started gossiping that Reesa’s 13-year-old sister, Jodie, had killed her.

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One of the townspeople who says she’s convinced Jodie stabbed Reesa 18 times is Laura. She claims Jodie killed her sister out of jealousy, anger and hate. Hear the numerous reasons Laura says she is convinced Jodie was involved.

Laura also says she has a picture that she believes is evidence that Jodie is the killer. See the picture in the video above, and hear Laura’s explanation.

WATCH: Woman Says After Sister Was Killed, ‘The Whole Town Immediately Turned Against Me’

Jodie is adamant that she had nothing to do with her sister’s murder. She says she’s lived under a cloud of suspicion for the last 34 years, and townspeople have relentlessly taunted her. In an effort to clear her name, Jodie agrees to take a polygraph on Monday’s episode of Dr. Phil. Will the results finally clear her name? Check here to see where you can watch.
