Before Kim Wall's death, Madsen wanted snuff video with other woman

The Danish inventor charged with killing journalist Kim Wall fantasized about making a “snuff video” aboard his submarine, according to a woman who said she had been targeted for the disturbing plan.

Witnesses in the trial of Peter Madsen, accused of killing the 30-year-old Columbia Journalism School graduate last August, spent Monday discussing his sexual desires, what prosecutors in Copenhagen say were his motive in the gruesome crime.

The unnamed witness, described because of court orders only as a “mistress,” said that she had been involved with the 47-year-old, but that she was also aware of texts between Madsen and a friend about killing her.

She said that the friend had told her that in the days before Wall’s death, Madsen had talked to her about creating a “snuff video” on his vessel and wanted her to be the victim, according to DR.

The witness said that she did not know at the time what a “snuff video,” a video that shows someone die that may involve sexual abuse or torture, was at the time, and said that she did not think that Madsen and her friend would have done anything to her to have her end up in Wall’s place.

RELATED: Danish inventor charged with killing journalist on his submarine

One woman who knew Madsen told Wired last month that he had texted her in the days before the alleged killing, saying that he had planned a murder in the submarine where they would bring a friend and “would suddenly change the mood and begin cutting her up.”

She told the magazine that she did not take the idea seriously.

Prosecutors have said that Madsen killed the journalist, who was writing a story about him, out of a twisted fantasy, and have showed the court videos from his computer of both animated and real-life beheadings.

Madsen denies that the videos are his, and also says that Wall died in a carbon monoxide accident aboard the submarine before he dismembered her and stabbed her body so it would sink.

Medical examiner evidence from last week contradicts the idea that the victim died from gas poisoning, though an exact cause of death could not be established.

Madsen, also accused of sexual assault and indecent handling of a corpse, faces life in prison if convicted, which in Denmark is normally around 16 years.

Supporters of Wall who say her death highlights the dangers that women journalists face when reporting created a fund in her name at the International Women’s Media Foundation.

The inaugural grant was awarded on Friday to Danish journalist Anne Kristine Hermann.
