Stop comparing Johnny Manziel to Colin Kaepernick says Johnny Manziel

Johnny Manziel and Colin Kaepernick are both former NFL quarterbacks looking to find a new home back in pro football. That’s just about where their similarities end. Manziel knows it. So do scouts.

Yet when video surfaced of the former Browns quarterback throwing in San Diego, many people immediately began focusing their attention on his work to get another shot the the league, while many others compared it to the difficulties facing Kaepernick’s comeback.

All of the arguments are irrelevant. Even Manziel agrees with that.

The one-time college star went on a lengthy Twitter rant on Saturday calling out those who are speaking of the two quarterbacks as though they are in similar situation. Manziel is over it.

That’s a pretty strong comment from a guy who needs all the help he can get if he wants another chance in the NFL. And calling out the league he is hoping will give him that chance isn’t going to do Manziel any favors as he attempts a comeback.

In a perfect world, that should settle this whole debate. Alas, football is far from perfect. Both of these players have extremely difficult roads ahead for reasons that couldn’t be more different.

There’s no need to conflate the two in any way. Take a hint from one of the guys in the center of it all.

Former Cleveland Browns quarterback Johnny Manziel is fed up with the comparisons between himself and Colin Kaepernick. (AP)
Former Cleveland Browns quarterback Johnny Manziel is fed up with the comparisons between himself and Colin Kaepernick. (AP)

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Blake Schuster is a writer for Shutdown Corner on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!
