Students required to wear clear backpacks at Marjory Stoneman

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School will require students to carry clear backpacks after 17 people were killed in a shooting last month.

Robert W. Runcie, the superintendent of the Broward County Public Schools, sent out a letter saying the school would provide free clear backpacks, which will be mandatory for students after spring break next week.

Lauren Hogg, a student at the school, tweeted, “Great. Because clear backpacks are gonna fix everything. I appreciate the attempt, but I’d rather have common since [sic] gun laws than a clear backpack.”

Students and staff will also be required to wear identification badges at all times, Runcie said.

Other safety measures, including the use of metal detectors, are still being considered, while security personnel and mental health services will be expanded.

In the month after Nikolas Cruz opened fire at the high school in Parkland, Fla., and killed 17 people, the school has faced a number of security fears.

SEE: Vigils held after deadly shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida:

The gunman’s younger brother Zachary Cruz was arrested for trespassing after he skateboarded through the high school because he wanted to “reflect on the school shooting and soak it in,” according to his arrest report.

Two other students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School were arrested for bringing knives to school.

Jordan Salter, 18, pulled out a two-inch knife during an argument with another student, while Gavin Stricker was found with a nine-inch knife in his backpack.

Another student who has not been identified was committed to a psychological evaluation after he posted pictures of a BB gun on Snapchat and uses a gamer username “NickCruz.”

Deputy Moises Carotti was also suspended without pay after he was found sleeping in his car on Monday while he was on duty at the high school.

Runcie tweeted, “Security at Marjory Stoneman Douglas continues to be an urgent priority for us. Given the developments over the past 24 hours, we will further enhance school safety measures. Communications on details will be forthcoming tomorrow.”

RELATED: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students return to school:
