Republican Jeff Flake may challenge Trump with a presidential run in 2020

Could this Republican run against President Trump come 2020?

A planned speaking trip to New Hampshire by Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona leads us to believe it could happen.

The well-known critic of Trump telling the Associated Press, "It's not in my plan to run for president, but I am not ruling it out. Somebody needs to stand up for traditional Republicanism." Flake even saying in a speech to the National Press Club that his party “might not deserve to lead” because of its unwavering support of Trump.

New Hampshire is an early presidential primary state but Flake insists to CNN “I’m just going for the weather.”

We already know President Trump plans to run for re-election, touting his campaign slogan “Keep America Great.”

Facing a tough re-election, 55-year-old Flake has ruled out running for a second term in the Senate.

If Flake were to run he’d face a tough road ahead to unseat Trump for the nomination. But at least he can count on Mark Cuban’s support, the billionaire telling the Associated Press he’s a fan. But should he fail to clinch the republican nomination, Flake says he’s not ruling out running as an independent.
