Stormy Daniels’ mother says she'd vote for Trump 'every time'

Stormy Daniels’ estranged mom hopes her daughter’s reported affair with President Trump doesn’t tarnish his legacy.

“If Mr. Trump runs four more times, I would vote for him every time,” Sheila Gregory told the Dallas Morning News. “I like him. I like the way he handles things.”

“It’s time this country is put back where it belongs — taking care of the people here instead of the people who don't belong here.”

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, has spent the last few weeks trying to break her silence about the 2006 fling with the President.

Earlier this week, she offered to return the $130,000 settlement she received in a “hush agreement” her lawyers say Trump didn’t sign.

RELATED: A look at Stormy Daniels

Trump’s alleged affair with the adult film star, which lasted several months from 2006 into 2007, has created a headache for the White House.

It was around the same time that Daniels and her mom stopped speaking, even though Gregory told the Dallas Morning News she tries to contact her daughter every few months.

“I loved her dearly,” said Gregory, who reportedly uses an oxygen machine and says she’s dying. “I still love her dearly.”

Michael Avenatti, Daniels’ lawyer, responded “Fake news” when asked by the Dallas Morning News about Sheila Gregory’s claims.

Gregory struggled to explain why her daughter first turned to stripping and then pornography.

“It hurts me deeply,” the 64-year-old Baton Rouge resident told the newspaper.

“My friends all say the same thing: ‘I can't believe that is the same sweet child — you took such good care of her,’” she continued. “I say, ‘How do you think I feel?’”

She described her daughter as an honors student who could’ve gone to college, but changed once her dad showed back up in the picture and bought her a Toyota Celica.

Her father, Bill Gregory, told the Dallas Morning News he financially supported his daughter but wasn’t involved in her upbringing.

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She went to visit him with her boyfriend when she was 17, however, and Bill Gregory lived in Cincinnati.

He discovered his daughter was stripping in Kentucky — just across the river.

"Obviously, a father doesn't want his daughter to become a porn star," he told the newspaper. “But she's an adult — she can do what she wants to do.”

Bill Gregory, who now lives in San Diego, said the Cincinnati visit was the final time he saw his now-38-year-old daughter.
