Graham urges GOPers to reach across party lines on gun control

With gun legislation at the forefront of recent debate, Senator Lindsey Graham weighed in Sunday, saying both parties would “suffer” if they did not address the issue.

“If we don’t take this up and Democrats don’t work with us, we’ll all suffer and we should,” Graham said on CBS's "Face the Nation."

In the interview with CBS, Graham urged Republicans to reach across party line when it comes to the gun issue, saying that Congress would be affected if they don’t address problems most Americans are facing.

The remarks come after activists and members of Congress have spoken out for stricter gun laws after the mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida that left 17 people dead.

Graham also called on President Trump, who hosted a bipartisan group last week for televised meetings about guns, to put forward a proposal to Congress.

“Propose something, Mr. President," Graham said. "And I think Republicans have an obligation to work with Democrats to make it law if we can."

RELATED: President Trump's bi-partisan meeting with lawmakers on gun reform
